Supporting New Educators

Supporting New Educators

3 February 2025

As an Educator with Nurtured at Home, we’ll support you to complete your Level 4 Certificate. You’ll work at the same time, gaining practical experience, and be supported by our own qualified Early Childhood Education teachers who can tailor additional support as you need. Throughout the year we also provide professional learning opportunities so you can meet other Educators and learn together in a fun environment!

Here’s what we can offer you:

  • Support to enrol and learn through an approved training provider.
  • Work while you study. Educators do need to be working and caring for an ECE child throughout the duration of their study.
  • Be supported to succeed! Level 4 support teachers are available through Nurtured at Home to guide and support your learning journey alongside the provider’s tutor.
  • Regular tailored contact and support from Nurtured at Home’s dedicated support team.
  • Meet others studying with Nurtured at Home to form study groups to connect with and inspire each other.

Here’s what some of our Educators had to say:

“I have found that doing Level 4 has taught me so much more than I thought, I have learnt new tools and strategies to use with the children and their families. I have actually enjoyed working through the modules and found they give you plenty of time to complete each one” – Sarah, Educator.

“First of all I would like to thank NAH for their respectful support, you ladies have never made me feel incapable even though I am always doubting myself.  Level 4 has made me feel empowered with the knowledge that I am a capable person and that I do have a wealth of knowledge within ECE.  My advice is, believe in yourself, you can achieve it and be proud of what you bring to the ECE community.” Lynley – Educator in Training

“Having not studied for many years, doing Level 4 study has been a struggle trying to fit everything in but I'm slowly getting there. Having support tutors through NAH has been amazing, they are doing a great job supporting us all and I wouldn’t know where I would be without them.” Ruth – Educator in Training

We look forward to supporting you with your learning journey to achieve your Level 4 Certificate.