Nurtured at Home started up in 2014, and we’ve been on an awesome ride ever since. From our relatively small beginnings at home to now covering all of Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, Gisborne, Taranaki, Manawatu-Whanganui, Horowhenua, Wairarapa, and Wellington, we’ve stayed true to our Philosophy and Guiding Principles which essentially is to recognise children as our first priority. In addition to this, we strive to provide an exceptional experience for our community of parents and educators, and we would like to thank our community for joining us and continuing to support us.

We hope that for those of you considering becoming part of the Nurtured at Home team, as a parent or an Educator, that you join us and allow us to earn the right to partner with you every day and we welcome you to become a part of our incredible journey.


  1. September 2013

    September 2013

    Nurtured at Home was created with a simple idea of "children are our first priority". Like most great ideas, this one was thought up sitting at Petra’s kitchen table just out of Tauranga. A significant amount of time was spent creating our policies and procedures to ensure our service was built around quality interactions with children in our care, their families and our Educators.

  2. February 2014

    February 2014

    Nurtured at Home officially opened with the first Educators. Petra recognised that quality interactions start with the team of Visiting Teachers and support staff, so made the commitment to employ the very best. This started with Pam Wardrope who leads our BOP team and ensures that everything relating to the quality of our interactions with our children, Educators, and families exceeds Ministry of Education criteria.

    We chose Auckland as our first area to open up, even if this did mean Petra virtually living in Auckland. We were overwhelmed with the response we received and since then we have substantially added to our team and now cover all areas of Auckland.

  3. July 2014

    July 2014

    Moving closer to home, Petra opened up throughout the wider Bay of Plenty region in July 2014. Working from an office down an alley and under the University of Waikato’s Tauranga campus building, this was also our first official ‘home’. We employed our first administrator to support Petra and Pam so they could focus on "children are our first priority".

  4. January 2015

    January 2015

    Numbers continued to grow in Auckland and so did our team, and we quickly outgrew our two rented offices in Ellerslie. We moved into our current Auckland office in Penrose where we can now accommodate our team, resources and toy library.

  5. April 2015

    April 2015

    Gisborne beckoned us. It wasn't our intent but a group of Educators heard about what we offered and asked us to meet with them. Over two years later, we have grown tremendously in the area, and those original Educators are still with us.

  6. October 2015

    October 2015

    In 2015, Petra decided she wanted to move her family back to the Waikato so facilitated this by opening up in Hamilton. Really, she wanted to be closer to her son (poor chap) who goes to school in Hamilton. Since then we’ve become a truly Waikato-wide business supported by a wonderful and diverse team of Educators, Visiting Teachers and support staff.

  7. January 2016

    January 2016

    With the rapid growth in Auckland and Tauranga, our miniature office down an alley in Tauranga (although handy to all the shops) had been outgrown and we needed somewhere for our administration team; three sharing a desk was ok if they weren’t in the office at the same time. We also felt that when one had to use the bathroom it would be nice to access this indoors, rather than exit the office, head into an underground carpark using a keypad, wait for access via a huge rolling carpark door, and then head into the far, dark corner. So we purchased a homely property on 15th Avenue to become our BOP office and administrative hub.

  8. June 2016

    June 2016

    June saw us open in the Hawkes Bay. Once again, we were warmly received and we continue to grow and spread throughout the region.

  9. October 2016

    October 2016

    Winners of the Westpac Service Excellence Awards and Finalist in the Supreme Business of the Year Award! This was recognition of all the hard work that our entire team (Educators and staff) put in each and every day to ensure that "children are our first priority".

  10. March 2017

    March 2017

    You know you’ve purchased far too many vehicles when you appear in a car manufacturer's magazine. During March, we featured in the Suzuki Life magazine. Why did we pick the Suzuki Swift? Because it matched our "bubbly personality". Check out the rest of the article here www.suzuki.co.nz/suzuki-life/news/article/nurtured-at-home/527140

  11. July 2017

    July 2017

    We were offered another Homebased service in the Waikato, and subsequently purchased this to complement our existing business in Waikato. Sounds simple, but the effort put in by the wider Nurtured at Home team to bring this all together over a short period of time was incredible.

  12. September 2017

    September 2017

    Our new website is now up and running. We actually thought our old one was still pretty relevant but we like to be innovative and a market leader. We hope you enjoy! If you think we’re doing things well, tell others and if you think we can do things differently, then tell us what and why, and convince us. You may be surprised to know that some of our best ideas haven’t come from us; rather they have come from the communities we operate in.

  13. October 2017

    October 2017

    Nurtured at Home was placed 9th at the Deloitte Fast 50 Awards for the fastest growing company in New Zealand.  The amazing growth was only possible due to all of our staff, Educators, families and whānau as word-of-mouth continues to be one of our best forms of advertising.

  14. March 2018

    March 2018

    We made the decision to purchase a Nanny service based in Wellington, providing Nurtured at Home with an alternative option to quality homebased care and education.  We rebranded the service to Nurtured at Home – Nannies Plus with new logo and website.

    This month also saw us open in the Taranaki region as we had received enquiries over previous months.  Again, we have been warmly received and the region is growing strongly.


  15. December 2018

    December 2018

    Each December, Petra and Aaron travel to children’s Christmas parties across all our regions. Together they love meeting our Educators, families and children and we get to enjoy our very own visit by Santa Claus, Hana Koko.

  16. January 2019

    January 2019

    We just collected our 32nd Nurtured at Home sign-written car this week. We are excited to continue to grow at this rate – that’s 1 new vehicle every two months. As ongoing changes in the homebased sector continue, with services closing, merging or selling, Nurtured at Home has remained a privately owned family-based quality service, focussing on what’s important to us: providing a quality service committed to children being at the centre of every decision we make. Our continued growth is evident of our quality and also our new Suzuki Swift!


  17. March 2019

    March 2019

    Today our employees commemorated the tragic events of 15th March with “Colour Your Day”, taking a moment to remember those families directly affected, and we made a generous donation to the fundraising account. Nurtured at Home has also made a donation to St John Ambulance and we would like to acknowledge the amazing work that all emergency services have done to support the New Zealand Police over this time.

  18. May 2019

    May 2019

    Nurtured at Home has opened in Palmerston North! We are pleased to welcome new Educators and families to the Nurtured at Home team.

  19. July 2019

    July 2019

    This month, we celebrated our five-year anniversary at our annual conference. Thank you to all our staff, Educators, families, and whanau, who have supported us.

  20. September 2019

    September 2019

    Nurtured at Home recently added another two cars to its fleet - one going to Wellington and another to Waikato. This brings our total to 34 cars that you will see around the regions.

  21. December 2019

    December 2019

    Aaron and I take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all our Educators, Nannies, family/whanau and children, Visiting Teachers and Admin Staff that are a part of the Nurtured at Home team. Without all of you, your dedication, commitment, contribution and continued support of our service, we would not have such an amazing service.

  22. March 2020

    March 2020

    On 25th March 2020, Nurtured at Home joined New Zealand for a nationwide lockdown at Alert Level 4. Petra and Aaron recognised it was essential to support our staff, Educators, families and children during this time. In addition to financial assistance, they also set up online tools for daily communication, support and wellbeing packages to stay connected.

  23. May 2020

    May 2020

    As New Zealand moved to Alert Level 2 and ECE services reopened, many of our Educators and families returned to care. Nurtured at Home also started daily online learning activities to support those children and their families who were not yet returning to care.



  24. July 2020

    July 2020

    We work hard to build relationships with our Educators, Nannies, and whānau. So to make the NZ Herald's Top 10 list really is a testament to having wonderful Educators and Nannies, a great bunch of Visiting Teachers and Administrators and families that trust all of us to care for their precious children!


  25. September 2020

    September 2020

    We took part in the nationwide Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori, Māori Language Moment on 14th September, to celebrate te reo Māori.

  26. December 2020

    December 2020

    As 2020 comes to an end, we want to take this time to thank everyone for their continued support of Nurtured at Home! We work hard to ensure good things are happening for children, and you are all valued as a part of our team.

    We wish you and your family all the very best over the summer season, and a safe and happy holiday if you are heading away for a break - Petra and Aaron.


  27. February 2021

    February 2021

    Nurtured at Home first started in Auckland 7 years ago. We would like to ackowledge our Nurtured at Home family for their ongoing support - thank you!

  28. May 2021

    May 2021

    Nurtured at Home welcomes all our Educators, families and whanau from Masterton to our team! We now have Educators available from Auckland throughout the North Island to Wellington.

  29. August 2021

    August 2021

    We’re pleased to announce one of our new chosen charities – Trees That Count

    For every new child that’s enrolled in our home-based childcare, we’ll be donating one tree to the Trees That Count initiative.

  30. December 2021

    December 2021

    As 2021 draws to a close, we want to give a special shout-out in particular to our Auckland Educators, families, children and staff - who supported each other through months of restrictions, along with our Waikato team during changing alert levels. We continue to work in partnership as we move into the traffic light system.

    Our dedicated Educator and Nanny Facebook page - started during lockdown in 2020 - continued to offer guidance and support to our community of Educators and Nannies, and we thank everyone for their contribution to the discussions, competitions, and inspiring others.

    We work hard to ensure good things are happening for children, and you are all valued as a part of our team. We wish you and your family all the very best over the summer season, and a safe and happy holiday if you are heading away for a break.


  31. February 2022

    February 2022

    With COVID Protection Framework restrictions on homebased playgroups, we’re discovering and exploring more of our local community, parks, nature walks and playgrounds.


  32. September 2022

    September 2022

    We introduced the option for families to complete their child's enrolment online via a secure portal. This is a value-added option suitable for families that may be working fulltime, in the process of moving regions, or would prefer to complete this online. Continuing to provide excellent customer service!

  33. December 2022

    December 2022

    This year has moved very quickly and for us it has been a year of growth in many respects, notably children enrolled are at an all-time high as we see a shift in parents/caregivers flexible work arrangements as well as a desire for care in a smaller setting. This growth doesn’t happen without an engaged and committed team of Educators and Nannies and most importantly, it doesn’t occur without the trust that parents and caregivers put in us.

    As an organisation, every day, we work hard to ensure good things are happening for children. It’s a fairly simple statement to make, but the work everyone does to ensure we live up to our community’s expectations is a challenge we relish every day!

    We wish you and your family all the very best over the summer season, and a safe and happy holiday if you are heading away for a break.


  34. February 2023

    February 2023

    Some regions where we operate were heavily affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. One of the ways we provided support was to donate separately to each Mayoral Relief Fund so that funds could go directly to the communities that needed it most.


  35. April 2023

    April 2023

    Over the past month, we have welcomed many new Educators, families and children transferring from other services to Nurtured at Home. A special thank you to everyone for your support and for choosing to join our family!


  36. July 2023

    July 2023

    We continue to research ways in which we can better support our community. We have a dedicated closed Facebook page set up so Educators can reach out to us, share ideas, and inspire each other to ensure good things are happening for children.

  37. October 2023

    October 2023

    Learning our home language is part of our identity and provides us with a sense of belonging. At Nurtured at Home, we celebrate children's home languages as we recognise the importance of keeping a culture's language alive and visible, including te reo Māori and NZ Sign Language as official languages of New Zealand.

  38. December 2023

    December 2023

    This year has again been one of growth for Nurtured at Home, as we welcomed new Educators, families and Visiting Teachers not only from other services, but also new enquiries. We are grateful to have been chosen as your preferred service and we continue to work hard to ensure you feel well supported and part of our family.

    We wish you and your family all the very best over the summer season, and a safe and happy holiday if you are heading away for a break.

  39. February 2024

    February 2024

    Each month, we’ve been sharing a family-friendly recipe in our newsletter. Our recent one for Waitangi Day was a raw fish recipe – see our News and Events for the full recipe!


  40. May 2024

    May 2024

    Each month our Educators/Nannies receive a free resource to add to their kete. So far this year, we’ve provided a kit of clay and ideas for sensory/messy play; a pack of felt pieces, shapes and ideas to learn about maths; activity cards for respectful practice; pack of storytelling cards that can be used as story prompts. This is a team collaboration, with Educators/Nannies sharing with us that they value the resources and ideas that support them and their children in care.


  41. July 2024

    July 2024

    So far in 2024, we’ve donated 221 trees to one of our chosen charities, Trees That Count. That’s one tree for every new enrolment! Thank you for supporting Nurtured at Home, so we can support this great charity.


  42. September 2024

    September 2024

    Nurtured at Home started in 2014, and this year we’re celebrating our 10 year anniversary! Looking to the future, we’re excited to see how we can add value to the homebased early childhood sector by supporting visiting teachers and educators to provide innovative and quality early learning experiences for all tamariki and their families/whānau.


  43. December 2024

    December 2024

    Wishing everyone a happy festive season and a huge thank you for all your continued support of Nurtured at Home.

    This year marked our 10-year anniversary and we are so proud! We couldn’t have achieved this without our fantastic team at Nurtured at Home and of course our Educators/Nannies and all the families/whānau.

    Throughout the year, we’ve been honoured to support a range of charities including Trees that Count, Gumboot Friday, Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day, Women’s Refuge at Easter, and we’ve just delivered a donation of food and toys to Women’s Refuge for Christmas. We are committed to giving back to the community, and will continue to do this in 2025.

    Stay safe over the silly season and we look forward to seeing you all in 2025!


  • September 2013

    September 2013

    Nurtured at Home was created with a simple idea of "children are our first priority". Like most great ideas, this one was thought up sitting at Petra’s kitchen table just out of Tauranga. A significant amount of time was spent creating our policies and procedures to ensure our service was built around quality interactions with children in our care, their families and our Educators.

  • February 2014

    February 2014

    Nurtured at Home officially opened with the first Educators. Petra recognised that quality interactions start with the team of Visiting Teachers and support staff, so made the commitment to employ the very best. This started with Pam Wardrope who leads our BOP team and ensures that everything relating to the quality of our interactions with our children, Educators, and families exceeds Ministry of Education criteria.

    We chose Auckland as our first area to open up, even if this did mean Petra virtually living in Auckland. We were overwhelmed with the response we received and since then we have substantially added to our team and now cover all areas of Auckland.

  • July 2014

    July 2014

    Moving closer to home, Petra opened up throughout the wider Bay of Plenty region in July 2014. Working from an office down an alley and under the University of Waikato’s Tauranga campus building, this was also our first official ‘home’. We employed our first administrator to support Petra and Pam so they could focus on "children are our first priority".

  • January 2015

    January 2015

    Numbers continued to grow in Auckland and so did our team, and we quickly outgrew our two rented offices in Ellerslie. We moved into our current Auckland office in Penrose where we can now accommodate our team, resources and toy library.

  • April 2015

    April 2015

    Gisborne beckoned us. It wasn't our intent but a group of Educators heard about what we offered and asked us to meet with them. Over two years later, we have grown tremendously in the area, and those original Educators are still with us.

  • October 2015

    October 2015

    In 2015, Petra decided she wanted to move her family back to the Waikato so facilitated this by opening up in Hamilton. Really, she wanted to be closer to her son (poor chap) who goes to school in Hamilton. Since then we’ve become a truly Waikato-wide business supported by a wonderful and diverse team of Educators, Visiting Teachers and support staff.

  • January 2016

    January 2016

    With the rapid growth in Auckland and Tauranga, our miniature office down an alley in Tauranga (although handy to all the shops) had been outgrown and we needed somewhere for our administration team; three sharing a desk was ok if they weren’t in the office at the same time. We also felt that when one had to use the bathroom it would be nice to access this indoors, rather than exit the office, head into an underground carpark using a keypad, wait for access via a huge rolling carpark door, and then head into the far, dark corner. So we purchased a homely property on 15th Avenue to become our BOP office and administrative hub.

  • June 2016

    June 2016

    June saw us open in the Hawkes Bay. Once again, we were warmly received and we continue to grow and spread throughout the region.

  • October 2016

    October 2016

    Winners of the Westpac Service Excellence Awards and Finalist in the Supreme Business of the Year Award! This was recognition of all the hard work that our entire team (Educators and staff) put in each and every day to ensure that "children are our first priority".

  • March 2017

    March 2017

    You know you’ve purchased far too many vehicles when you appear in a car manufacturer's magazine. During March, we featured in the Suzuki Life magazine. Why did we pick the Suzuki Swift? Because it matched our "bubbly personality". Check out the rest of the article here www.suzuki.co.nz/suzuki-life/news/article/nurtured-at-home/527140

  • July 2017

    July 2017

    We were offered another Homebased service in the Waikato, and subsequently purchased this to complement our existing business in Waikato. Sounds simple, but the effort put in by the wider Nurtured at Home team to bring this all together over a short period of time was incredible.

  • September 2017

    September 2017

    Our new website is now up and running. We actually thought our old one was still pretty relevant but we like to be innovative and a market leader. We hope you enjoy! If you think we’re doing things well, tell others and if you think we can do things differently, then tell us what and why, and convince us. You may be surprised to know that some of our best ideas haven’t come from us; rather they have come from the communities we operate in.

  • October 2017

    October 2017

    Nurtured at Home was placed 9th at the Deloitte Fast 50 Awards for the fastest growing company in New Zealand.  The amazing growth was only possible due to all of our staff, Educators, families and whānau as word-of-mouth continues to be one of our best forms of advertising.

  • March 2018

    March 2018

    We made the decision to purchase a Nanny service based in Wellington, providing Nurtured at Home with an alternative option to quality homebased care and education.  We rebranded the service to Nurtured at Home – Nannies Plus with new logo and website.

    This month also saw us open in the Taranaki region as we had received enquiries over previous months.  Again, we have been warmly received and the region is growing strongly.


  • December 2018

    December 2018

    Each December, Petra and Aaron travel to children’s Christmas parties across all our regions. Together they love meeting our Educators, families and children and we get to enjoy our very own visit by Santa Claus, Hana Koko.

  • January 2019

    January 2019

    We just collected our 32nd Nurtured at Home sign-written car this week. We are excited to continue to grow at this rate – that’s 1 new vehicle every two months. As ongoing changes in the homebased sector continue, with services closing, merging or selling, Nurtured at Home has remained a privately owned family-based quality service, focussing on what’s important to us: providing a quality service committed to children being at the centre of every decision we make. Our continued growth is evident of our quality and also our new Suzuki Swift!


  • March 2019

    March 2019

    Today our employees commemorated the tragic events of 15th March with “Colour Your Day”, taking a moment to remember those families directly affected, and we made a generous donation to the fundraising account. Nurtured at Home has also made a donation to St John Ambulance and we would like to acknowledge the amazing work that all emergency services have done to support the New Zealand Police over this time.

  • May 2019

    May 2019

    Nurtured at Home has opened in Palmerston North! We are pleased to welcome new Educators and families to the Nurtured at Home team.

  • July 2019

    July 2019

    This month, we celebrated our five-year anniversary at our annual conference. Thank you to all our staff, Educators, families, and whanau, who have supported us.

  • September 2019

    September 2019

    Nurtured at Home recently added another two cars to its fleet - one going to Wellington and another to Waikato. This brings our total to 34 cars that you will see around the regions.

  • December 2019

    December 2019

    Aaron and I take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all our Educators, Nannies, family/whanau and children, Visiting Teachers and Admin Staff that are a part of the Nurtured at Home team. Without all of you, your dedication, commitment, contribution and continued support of our service, we would not have such an amazing service.

  • March 2020

    March 2020

    On 25th March 2020, Nurtured at Home joined New Zealand for a nationwide lockdown at Alert Level 4. Petra and Aaron recognised it was essential to support our staff, Educators, families and children during this time. In addition to financial assistance, they also set up online tools for daily communication, support and wellbeing packages to stay connected.

  • May 2020

    May 2020

    As New Zealand moved to Alert Level 2 and ECE services reopened, many of our Educators and families returned to care. Nurtured at Home also started daily online learning activities to support those children and their families who were not yet returning to care.



  • July 2020

    July 2020

    We work hard to build relationships with our Educators, Nannies, and whānau. So to make the NZ Herald's Top 10 list really is a testament to having wonderful Educators and Nannies, a great bunch of Visiting Teachers and Administrators and families that trust all of us to care for their precious children!


  • September 2020

    September 2020

    We took part in the nationwide Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori, Māori Language Moment on 14th September, to celebrate te reo Māori.

  • December 2020

    December 2020

    As 2020 comes to an end, we want to take this time to thank everyone for their continued support of Nurtured at Home! We work hard to ensure good things are happening for children, and you are all valued as a part of our team.

    We wish you and your family all the very best over the summer season, and a safe and happy holiday if you are heading away for a break - Petra and Aaron.


  • February 2021

    February 2021

    Nurtured at Home first started in Auckland 7 years ago. We would like to ackowledge our Nurtured at Home family for their ongoing support - thank you!

  • May 2021

    May 2021

    Nurtured at Home welcomes all our Educators, families and whanau from Masterton to our team! We now have Educators available from Auckland throughout the North Island to Wellington.

  • August 2021

    August 2021

    We’re pleased to announce one of our new chosen charities – Trees That Count

    For every new child that’s enrolled in our home-based childcare, we’ll be donating one tree to the Trees That Count initiative.

  • December 2021

    December 2021

    As 2021 draws to a close, we want to give a special shout-out in particular to our Auckland Educators, families, children and staff - who supported each other through months of restrictions, along with our Waikato team during changing alert levels. We continue to work in partnership as we move into the traffic light system.

    Our dedicated Educator and Nanny Facebook page - started during lockdown in 2020 - continued to offer guidance and support to our community of Educators and Nannies, and we thank everyone for their contribution to the discussions, competitions, and inspiring others.

    We work hard to ensure good things are happening for children, and you are all valued as a part of our team. We wish you and your family all the very best over the summer season, and a safe and happy holiday if you are heading away for a break.


  • February 2022

    February 2022

    With COVID Protection Framework restrictions on homebased playgroups, we’re discovering and exploring more of our local community, parks, nature walks and playgrounds.


  • September 2022

    September 2022

    We introduced the option for families to complete their child's enrolment online via a secure portal. This is a value-added option suitable for families that may be working fulltime, in the process of moving regions, or would prefer to complete this online. Continuing to provide excellent customer service!

  • December 2022

    December 2022

    This year has moved very quickly and for us it has been a year of growth in many respects, notably children enrolled are at an all-time high as we see a shift in parents/caregivers flexible work arrangements as well as a desire for care in a smaller setting. This growth doesn’t happen without an engaged and committed team of Educators and Nannies and most importantly, it doesn’t occur without the trust that parents and caregivers put in us.

    As an organisation, every day, we work hard to ensure good things are happening for children. It’s a fairly simple statement to make, but the work everyone does to ensure we live up to our community’s expectations is a challenge we relish every day!

    We wish you and your family all the very best over the summer season, and a safe and happy holiday if you are heading away for a break.


  • February 2023

    February 2023

    Some regions where we operate were heavily affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. One of the ways we provided support was to donate separately to each Mayoral Relief Fund so that funds could go directly to the communities that needed it most.


  • April 2023

    April 2023

    Over the past month, we have welcomed many new Educators, families and children transferring from other services to Nurtured at Home. A special thank you to everyone for your support and for choosing to join our family!


  • July 2023

    July 2023

    We continue to research ways in which we can better support our community. We have a dedicated closed Facebook page set up so Educators can reach out to us, share ideas, and inspire each other to ensure good things are happening for children.

  • October 2023

    October 2023

    Learning our home language is part of our identity and provides us with a sense of belonging. At Nurtured at Home, we celebrate children's home languages as we recognise the importance of keeping a culture's language alive and visible, including te reo Māori and NZ Sign Language as official languages of New Zealand.

  • December 2023

    December 2023

    This year has again been one of growth for Nurtured at Home, as we welcomed new Educators, families and Visiting Teachers not only from other services, but also new enquiries. We are grateful to have been chosen as your preferred service and we continue to work hard to ensure you feel well supported and part of our family.

    We wish you and your family all the very best over the summer season, and a safe and happy holiday if you are heading away for a break.

  • February 2024

    February 2024

    Each month, we’ve been sharing a family-friendly recipe in our newsletter. Our recent one for Waitangi Day was a raw fish recipe – see our News and Events for the full recipe!


  • May 2024

    May 2024

    Each month our Educators/Nannies receive a free resource to add to their kete. So far this year, we’ve provided a kit of clay and ideas for sensory/messy play; a pack of felt pieces, shapes and ideas to learn about maths; activity cards for respectful practice; pack of storytelling cards that can be used as story prompts. This is a team collaboration, with Educators/Nannies sharing with us that they value the resources and ideas that support them and their children in care.


  • July 2024

    July 2024

    So far in 2024, we’ve donated 221 trees to one of our chosen charities, Trees That Count. That’s one tree for every new enrolment! Thank you for supporting Nurtured at Home, so we can support this great charity.


  • September 2024

    September 2024

    Nurtured at Home started in 2014, and this year we’re celebrating our 10 year anniversary! Looking to the future, we’re excited to see how we can add value to the homebased early childhood sector by supporting visiting teachers and educators to provide innovative and quality early learning experiences for all tamariki and their families/whānau.


  • December 2024

    December 2024

    Wishing everyone a happy festive season and a huge thank you for all your continued support of Nurtured at Home.

    This year marked our 10-year anniversary and we are so proud! We couldn’t have achieved this without our fantastic team at Nurtured at Home and of course our Educators/Nannies and all the families/whānau.

    Throughout the year, we’ve been honoured to support a range of charities including Trees that Count, Gumboot Friday, Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day, Women’s Refuge at Easter, and we’ve just delivered a donation of food and toys to Women’s Refuge for Christmas. We are committed to giving back to the community, and will continue to do this in 2025.

    Stay safe over the silly season and we look forward to seeing you all in 2025!

  • Our guiding principles are:



    Nurture a love of learning for all those associated with Nurtured at Home, through ongoing research, quality resources, best practice and being part of the community within which we exist.

    To engage in partnerships within Nurtured at Home and the wider national and international communities, to share our combined knowledge, resources and passion to set the foundation for each individual child to reach their full potential.

    To provide a nurturing, safe place to work where people are valued and true partnerships are fostered through mindful practice.

    To be a leader in best practice, and to mentor and engage with communities to raise the quality of Early Childhood Education.

    To be altruistic in a meaningful way by supporting causes that recognise and nurture the importance of our youngest children in society.

    Our Guiding Principles

    Our Guiding Principles are the fabric of our culture and the basis for all decisions made within our business. If it doesn’t fit with our principles, then we don’t do it . . . after all, we promote children as being our first priority.  Every day the entire team works hard to work with and alongside our Nurtured at Home family so even though we think we do a pretty good job, don’t take our word for it;

    see what others have to say...

    Her bond with my child was very special

    Our Educator became part of our family and we became part of hers. Her bond with my child was very special and I loved dropping her off there every day....

    Client Name:


    Nurtured at Home provides every resource you need

    Nurtured at Home provides every resource you need and the Visiting Teachers are always supportive and just a phone call away....

    Client Name:


    He couldn't have been in better hands

    My Educator was amazing with my child; he couldn’t have been in better hands....

    Client Name:


    My child felt very welcomed

    My child felt very welcomed and enjoyed her time with her Educator....

    They make you feel a part of their family

    The staff at Nurtured at Home are very friendly and they make you feel a part of their family....

    Client Name:


    She really cared

    As a parent, all you want is for your child to be in safe and caring hands while you can't be there. My Educator was so loving and gentle; she really cared. This makes all the difference in your transition back into the workforce....

    Client Name:


    What we have been up to

    Nurtured at Home
    Latest News

    • Supporting New Educators

      As an Educator with Nurtured at Home, we’ll support you to complete your Level 4 Certificate. You’ll work at the same time, gaining practical experience, and be supported by our own qualified Early Childhood Education teachers who can tailor additional support as you need. Throughout...

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    Pillars of Nurtured at Home

    Growing young minds

    Providing a quality programme for children is a partnership between you, your Educator and Nurtured at Home.

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    Building reciprocal relationships and a sense of belonging is vital to ensure quality outcomes for you and your child.

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    Language, Culture, Identity

    At Nurtured at Home® children are our first priority and we are committed to providing quality care and education in a nurturing home environment.

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