News And Events
Sea Week Kaupapa Moana
6 March 2022Seaweek is New Zealand's annual national week celebrating the sea, hosted by the NZ Association for Environmental Education. Seaweek is an opportunity to learn about and celebrate our connection with the ocean, and it was developed to excite and inspire Kiwis to renew their connections with the sea by getting to know our ocean, its habitats, characteristics and inhabitants better.
The theme for 2022 is Connecting with our Seas - Toi Moana, Toi Tangata.
Did you know?
Our oceans support most life on earth. As over 70% of the Earth's surface is underwater, it comes as no surprise that marine species outnumber those on land – an incredible 94% of the Earth's living species exist within the oceans.
Here’s some ways you can be involved:
Visit your local beach:
The day could be about connecting with whānau, exploring the beach habitat, and/or taking action to improve the physical environment of your beach.
Clean your waterways:
Work with your tamariki to organise a local beach or waterway clean up. Think of ways to get everyone involved. You could contact the Department of Conservation to find out if there is a local conservation project you and your family can assist with.
Wage a war on plastic:
Consider the impact of plastic consumption on the health of our seas and see what you could do at home to reduce the damage.
Māori and Pasifika myths:
Read Māori and Pacific legends about the sea to gain an understanding of the sea’s spiritual importance to people of different cultures. The following links might be useful: