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Mark Making
26 April 2022You will have seen babies and toddlers start to first “draw” by making marks on paper such as dots, squiggles and lines, and then progress to drawing shapes that join up, such as circles. This is known as mark making! Mark making is an important first step of a child’s developmental journey towards drawing and writing.
Initially, children will start with using their physical skills to try and control the implement they are using (such as a pen, chalk, or small stick), and then as they gain control, strength, and co-ordination, they will begin to realise they can control their movements to make their marks more purposeful.
Mark making can be a wonderful sensory experience for babies and toddlers, as they can use a variety of mediums such as paint, gloop, clay, and sand. It also provides an opportunity for children to express themselves creatively, communicate their feelings, and draw what they know about their world around them.
As children develop their skills with mark making, and their drawing becomes more intentional, they may share the story behind what they are creating. As children progress, mark making is an opportunity to develop skills such as physical co-ordination, non-verbal and verbal communication, critical thinking, early mathematical concepts, etc.
Here are some great resources to have available for children to experiment with mark making:
- Chalk and blackboard
- Sticks and sand
- Craft sticks and clay
- Using fingers to make marks in playdough or gloop
- Paintbrush and water to make marks on the ground
- Paintbrush, paint and paper
- Whiteboard markers and board