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28 October 2014Children make sense of the things, places and people in their world by interacting with others, playing, investigating, questioning, and forming, testing and refining ideas. They use their senses, their minds and their bodies to find out about and make sense of what they see, feel and experience in the world around them.
Through gathering information and developing new skills, including thinking skills, they are forming ideas and theories and testing these out. They refine their ideas through exploring their environment actively and through interacting and communicating with adults and with other children.
Much of this happens through play and other experiences that allow children to be creative, to take risks, and to make discoveries. As they learn, they retest their theories adjusting them to take on board new discoveries and new experiences.
In early childhood, most children develop physically and cognitively through exploring their environment. As well as building knowledge and developing skills, children also need to develop positive dispositions and attitudes towards learning. They have an innate drive to get to know the workings of their world.
Educators can foster learning by planning activities for them through which they can experience success as learners. This means planning activities that are suited to children’s individual needs and connect with their experiences and interests while at the same time challenging them to extend their knowledge, refine their skills, and work together to solve problems.
Homebased childcare with its small numbers and one on one learning opportunities is the ideal environment for children’s learning and interests to be extended. Educators really get to know their children in care. Through this knowledge as well as the opportunities to get out and explore their communities and the many experiences offered by these, Educators are able to provide learning opportunities where children can experience success as learners.