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Establishing Consistent Routines
27 January 2021At Nurtured at Home, small ratios enable us to provide a safe and predictable setting within a homebased setting so that tamariki can feel confident and secure with a familiar Educator and the rhythms and routines of each day.
Expectations describe how we behave and act as a community. Routines describe what we do during our shared, daily activities such as eating, toileting, and using resources.
For infants and toddlers, caregiving routines help to provide a reassuring rhythm to their day and support their attachment and confidence as they learn to trust that their needs will be met.
For young children, consistent routines help them to manage their day and prepare for what is going to happen next. Knowing ‘how we do things around here’ creates safety and security for everyone and is a key learning outcome within the Belonging / Mana whenua strand of Te Whāriki.
Routines reduce anxiety for children and help them to learn to take responsibility for themselves and others. Knowing what to do in preparation for and during a particular activity strengthens a child’s self-concept as a competent, capable community member. When they are able to help others learn a routine, they become an ‘expert’ who can support the learning of others.
Consistent routines also support children to consider the needs and safety of others. Kaiako can promote responsibility for others within a free play environment through routines for regular experiences, such as transitioning between activities, fetching and returning resources, and small-group or community times such as music groups and playgroups.
Information from He Māpuna te Tamaiti