News And Events
Commonwealth Games
4 April 2018The Commonwealth Games take place 4-15 April 2018. It is a wonderful celebration of sporting determination, dedication and talent. The Commonwealth values are humanity, equality, and destiny and we might consider how we can provide opportunities for children in a homebased setting to explore activities that align with this sporting event and promote learning about perseverance, fairy play, equity, empathy, cultural support, and sportsmanship. Not all children may grow up to be physically talented to participate at an elite level in sport, but there are many other opportunities in life for children to strive for within the sporting community when they are adults - such as coaching, team management, medical sports specialists, etc.
In a homebased setting, children may organise their own mini-games which promote inclusion, physical activity and a sense of belonging. This may include thinking about the tradition of a sporting event with an opening and closing ceremony and a mascot that promotes spirit, communicates values, and promotes the cultural identity of those participating in the mini-games.
We can also explore inquiring thinking by investigating the different games that Commonwealth countries play. This might include a visit to the library or researching online and recreating some of these games to try. Not only can we set up a range of games for children to participate in, but we can add complexity to their thinking and learning by creating more of an event that can last over the coming week. This allows children to revisit their games, set goals for themselves to achieve, and continue to participate in a team and/or individual sporting event. Children may also take on a variety of roles through their event, such as sports Doctor, sports nutritionist, or coach. Providing opportunities for everyone to be involved in a variety of ways promotes inclusion, participation, and fun!